Kobe City Museum has exhibited “Namban Art and Old Maps” from Aug 5 to Sep 24, 2017. So I’d like to introduce some exhibits and their background.


‘Namban Art’ refers to Japanese art of the 16th and 17th centuries influenced by contact with traders and missionaries from Europe, especially Spain and Portugal. ‘Namban’ means ‘Southen barbarians’. In those days, Spanish and Portuguese traders and missionaries came to Japan by way of their colonies in South-Eastern Asia.


In 1543, a few Portuguese brought the first firearms to Tanegashima-island in Japan. And in 1549, St. Francis Xavier (a Roman Catholic missionary and a co-founder of the Society of Jesus) arrived at Kagoshima to introduce Christianity to Japan. The above image is a portrait of him. After that, many Iberian traders visited Japan to bring various products made in Europe. As Japan of the time is at the age of provincial wars, each feudal lord competed with others in buying firearms and valuable products which could give them military advantage and economic benefit. It was Oda Nobunaga (1534 - 82) that took the most advantage of trade with Iberians among many lords.


The above image is a portrait of Oda Nobunaga by unknown painter. It was painted around 1583. It is thought that a retainer of Nobunaga ordered a painter to paint this portrait after death of Nobunaga.


Oda Nobunaga was born as a son of a minor lord who ruled a part of Owari Province ( the west half of Aichi Prefecture now). In his youth he often behaved beyond common sense, so people called him ‘Utsuke’, that meant ‘idiot’. After he succeeded to his father, his younger brother and many of his retainers revolted against him. But he put down the rebellion immediately and showed that he was never an idiot.


In those days, although the Court under Mikado ( emperor ) and the Shogunate ( samurai government ) under Shogun from Ashikaga family were present in Kyoto ( the capital at the time ), both of the Court and the Shogunate had lost their power and authority. So many feudal lords across Japan wanted to keep and extend their territories by their own force of arms. In 1560, Oda Nobunaga defeated large armies of Imagawa Yoshimoto ( a major lord who ruled three provinces ) by a spectacular raid at the battle of Okehazama. After that, he unified Owari Province and won Mino Province ( the south half of Gifu Prefecture now ) to become one of major lords. In 1568, he entered Kyoto together with Ashikaga Yoshiaki, who was a younger brother of a former Shogun, and made the Court and Mikado appoint Ashikaga Yoshiaki to be Shogun.


Oda Nobunaga was the first lord who had a vision to end the civil war and unify the country. He used Mikado and Shogun to legitimize his political and military actions, and compelled his competitors to submit to his political control. He was also aware of the importance of economic power. He had direct control over Sakai, the largest trading port in Japan at the time, and monopolized foreign trade to made enormous profits. In addition, he abolished checking stations and passengers tax to activate the movement of merchants and products. And he prohibited closed and privileged unions, associations and guilds to realize competitive free market. These policies enabled him to get great economic power that overwhelmed his rivals. On the military front, he made better use of firearms than his any rivals. At the battle of Nagashino, he defeated Takeda Katsuyori, a major lord based at Kai Province ( Yamanashi Prefecture now ) who led the strongest cavalry at the time. At this battle, Oda Nobunaga used about 3,000 harquebuses strategically. He arranged the arquebusiers in three lines and enabled them to fire without a break. After each line fired, it would duck behind other lines and reload while the next line fired. This ingenius strategy enabled him to devastate the Takeda cavalry which had been invincible until then. As a top leader, he promoted his retainers based only on ability, not based on family lineage, roots, private connection, famousness or past performance. Although Hashiba ( Toyotomi ) Hideyoshi was born into a peasant family and Akechi Mitsuhide was originally a retainer of the other lord, Nobunaga promoted them in top-ranking officers.


His innovation and reformation changed politics, economics and society dramatically. On the other hand, various groups who wanted to defend their established interest fought against him. Especially, he ran strongly against some of Buddhist temples. In those days Buddhist temples were feudal lords who armed themselves and had their territory, but Nobunaga disallowed religious forces to intervene to politics, military or economics. And he did not show his respect to religious sacredness of Buddhist temples. In 1571, Enryakuji, one of the most major temple, sheltered the enemies of Nobunaga and denied his request to turn over them to him. So he attacked Enryakuji with large armies to kill tens of thousands of monks and burnt down the whole temple. On other front, he did not prohibit people from believing in any religions as long as they did not disrupt his policy. He had also been very tolerant for activities of missionaries. He allowed missionaries to build a christian church in Kyoto, which was called ‘Nambanji Temple’. The image below is a picture of the church.



The Exhibition “Namban Art and Old Maps" in Kobe City Museum (2) 神戸市立博物館『南蛮美術・古地図企画展』(2)